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[Gray Matters]

The loveable engineer below is a recurring character in role play games, mastered by Ed Charlton.  Named "Leo DaVinki," his species was inspired by the "Furries" of a science fiction novel by.
[Leo DaVinki]
These characters depict a team of media specialists that are central to a series of my own creation.  (In hindsight, they likely represent aspects of my own personality.)   While originally concieved as a prime time television series, it is one of the concepts for which I have been recommended in creation of an anime series.

The first time I created photopaper business cards for myself, I made this self portrait for edge-to-edge color bleed behind white text.
The album cover below is something I illustrated for a friend's recording debut. (Copyright 1993, Sabra Enterprises)
[Card Design]
The above logo was the emblem I designed for Maverick Communications, a graphic design studio that breifly lived in the Northside part of Cincinnati.

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